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Room-By-Room Design

Here you'll find inspiration for every room in your log home, including great rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, outdoor spaces, decks and more. Get tips on decor, furnishings, fixtures and other elements to create your log home's unique style.

Reclaimed Wood
5 Reasons to Buy Reclaimed Hardwood
The experts at Peachey Hardwood Flooring share their top five reasons to choose reclaimed hardwood flooring.
Log Home Bathroom Design Ideas
Looking for bathroom strategies that will hold water? From powders to primaries, these four foundations of good log home bathroom…
Edible Landscaping at Your Log Home
Planning a lush, natural setting for your log home? Edible options let you have your landscape and eat it too!
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Log Home Journey: Kitchen Creativity
The kitchen truly is the heart of the home, and as the Murphys’ house inches closer to completion, they don’t miss a beat when it…
Log Home Primary Bathroom Design Tips
With proper planning, your primary bathroom’s design and function can be the source of some very “suite” dreams.
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Favorite Spaces: Kitchens and Baths
Log home kitchens and baths afford unlimited opportunities to be imaginative and let your creativity come through - get inspired …
Made in the Shade with Trees
Strategically selected trees provide beauty and long-term protection for your log home.
Mosscreek Lch Barber Kitchen Std Angle Cropped
The 7 Essentials for Log Home Kitchens
Plus, 19 of-the-moment trends to try now!
Starting a Backyard Chicken Flock
With hobby farming making a comeback, here are 3 musts for starting your own backyard chicken flock.
10 Outdoor Spaces to Cure Log Cabin Fever
Escape to sunnier locales with these inspiring home tours.
6 Relaxing Log Home Bathrooms
Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in a house - don't them get overlooked while doing your dream log home designing!
17 Design Ideas for Every Room
At Log Home Living, we get to speak with a wide variety of designers and architects who share some great advice with us. We’ve compiled 17 of the smartest tips we’ve gotten to help you plan the perfect log home, room by room.
The Suite Life: Log Home Master Bedrooms
A good night’s sleep is guaranteed in these tranquil log home master bedrooms.
Bonfire Basics for Log Homes
Outdoor fires are a great way to spend cool evenings — but make sure you learn the basics before you burn.
Area Rugs - The Top 5 Reasons for Choosing Wool
Universally the #1 choice for area rugs, wool offers a number of features and benefits, from its natural beauty to its strength a…
Make Your Great Room Great
A great room's open, shared space is what lures many people to the log home lifestyle.
log home living magazine
Love Your Kitchen
Big or little, elaborate or simple, just make sure that you love your kitchen.
3 Flowers to Plant for Winter Now
Fight the winter landscape blahs with gorgeous and affordable flowers - options that keep the color popping around your log home …
Outbuildings for Log Homes
Outside influence! The fun doesn’t have to stop with your log home. Whimsical (and colorful) outbuildings like sheds, pool houses…
Sitting Pretty on a Log Home Deck
Can you imagine a log home without a porch or deck to sit and enjoy the natural surroundings? Log home decks are essential outdoor rooms.
Water Conservation Landscaping for a Beautiful Yard
You can conserve water AND have beautiful landscaping — plus save your cash for other projects. Check out our water conservation …
Delineate Space in your Open Floor Plan With Rugs
While uninterrupted layouts have their benefits, you'll need to think about how to delineate each of the areas within open floor …
Building a Pond at Your Log Home
Incorporating a water feature like a pond at your log home can add tranquility, life and value.
4 Summery Log Home Outdoor Spaces
In summer, log home outdoor spaces are an essential extension of your main living areas. Invest a little time and thought into them so that they really shine.
3 Log Home Kitchen Styles
A log home’s kitchen is limited only by your imagination. It can be highly elegant, exude rustic charm or anything in between. But the best log home kitchens let your personality shine through. Get inspired with these three unique takes:
Small But Mighty: Storage in a Little Log Home
It’s not about how many square feet your little log home has, it’s what you do with it that counts.
Installing Cabinetry on Log Walls
Wondering how to attach cabinetry on log walls? We’ve got the answers.
11 Log Home Bedroom Designs
Take a look at some of the latest trends in log home bedroom designs.

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