Log Home Construction
Construction is the most critical phase of the log-home buying process, but there’s no reason it should be difficult or stressful. Knowing how the process unfolds will allow you to preview the work ahead and know who’s responsible for making sure everything goes according to plan.

Get answers to the most common questions about building a log home on a sloped site, plus, seven quick tips for success.
Task at hand: Building and construction of our new log guesthouse.
Want a simple log cabin to call home? Follow this advice for building no-frills log homes.
Thinking about acting as the general contractor for your own homebuilding project? Here are a few things to consider before you dive in.
What are handcrafted log homes? And what is handcrafting all about? Find the answers to these questions and more with our handcra…
Here are the 14 key questions to ask when preparing to build a log home. We'll make sure you have your bases covered on everythin…
From elementary to elaborate, choose a truss system for your home that both mirrors your taste and serves as a functional masterpiece.
From your home's foundation to understanding construction lingo, here are the basics for making the project of your life come tog…
These 4 skills will help you breeze through building your log home.
What you need to know about engineering specifications and building codes for your log home.
A complete guide to everything you need to know when building a log home.
It's not always easy to construct a home on a mountaintop, waterfront or other scenic location. But if you plan carefully and tak…
How to estimate costs on your log home construction project.
Does your log home project meet local building requirements?
Finding the right subcontractor is an important step in the construction process, but sometimes we hire the wrong person. Learn how to stand your ground with bad subcontractor.
Log homes have a choice of four different types of foundation. Which one should you choose?
Ever wonder why some logs have cracks in them while others don't? Find out how this happens and when you need to be concerned.
Sean and Amanda catch a glimpse of the finish line and decide it’s time to invest some of their own labor and talents to the construction of their New Jersey log home.
Use the right terminology to communicate exactly what you want to your log home builder.
Sean and his team address some of the most challenging issues in log home construction: Running the mechanicals.
The logs have arrived, and as the Murphys watch their home take shape, they are introduced to a very special member of the construction team: their “Log Dog.”
The Murphys prep their New Jersey site as the logs are fabricated a thousand miles away in Montana.
How to compare log home kits to get the most accurate price quote for your log home.
Log Homes Illustrated gives you the steps to take to ensure your dream home will have a dream setting.
What happens when a building project goes wrong—and what should you do?