Hochstetler Log Homes
Hochstetler Log Homes offers more than 45 existing house plans, and has an in-house design team to facilitate custom designs. Hochstetler Log Homes uses only the finest quality materials, mills every log from the “heartwood” or “core” of the tree, and never substitutes conventional lumber for authentic timbers. Since 1986.

Company Details
Hochstetler Log Homes
Hochstetler Log Homes, with a long heritage of quality products and fine craftsmanship, has grown steadily since its inception in 1986. Their Buy Mill-Direct and Save operation has enabled customers to save substantially and make their dream of owning a log home an affordable reality.
You can choose from premium-quality, milled logs in three profiles: D-log, double-round and square. Sizes include 6-by-6, 6-by-8, 8-by-6 and 8-by-8 D-logs; 6-by-6, 6-by-8 and 8-by-8 double-round; and 6-by-12 and 8-by-12 square logs. Species available are eastern white pine, northern white cedar, western red cedar and cypress.All are available from Hochstetler Log Homes.
Kiln-dried logs are processed in a state-of-the-art facility insuring 18-to-19 percent moisture content, which keeps settling to a minimum. Air-dried and green logs are also available. All logs feature a drip edge for water damage protection, tapered tongue-and-groove for ease of alignment and stacking, precision cut out for weather stripping and are milled smooth to eliminate resaw marks. Logs are also heart-boxed to minimize checking and end-squared, which helps to insure tight-fitting butt joints. Matching 6-inch, 8-inch and 12-inch log siding and 1-by-6 and 2-by-6 tongue-and-groove material are in-stock and ready for next-day shipping.
Log shell packages include logs only, deluxe and premium. The deluxe and premium packages include your choice of logs, siding, loft and roof systems, tongue-and-groove material, insulation panels, fasteners, caulk, gasket and stain. A step-by-step construction manual is provided with each package.
You can choose from a wide assortment of standard floor plans or have our experienced draftsmen custom design a plan based on your ideas.
As members of the Log Homes Council and their certified grading program, only the finest logs and timbers are selected for your log package. This, coupled with their 10-year limited warranty, offers you outstanding protection and peace of mind.
Call or write for a free brochure and price list. Or, you can order a $10 portfolio that features an assortment of floor plans and a planning guide. Sorry, a web site is not available at this time.
Builder inquiries are welcome.
Hochstetler Log Homes produces more than 150 homes a year and ships virtually anywhere. Our model is open daily Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Closed Sunday.
Year founded: 1986
Method of production: Manufacturer
Number of homes produced to date: 1000-2499
Number of builders dealers and representatives: 25-49
Wood species: Cypress Douglas fir; Red pine; Western red cedar; White cedar; White pine
How logs are normally dried prior to shipment: Air dried
Average moisture content of logs upon shipment: 16 to 19%
Type(s) of wall logs you offer: Full or solid wall logs Log siding
Corner notches are: Totally pre-cut
Log lengths are: Rough cut - cutting to length required on job
Solid log gable ends are: Square cut - cutting to roofline slope required on job
Available styles of wall log profiles: Flat - inside; Flat - outside; Hand hew;n Hand peeled; Lap siding; Rectangular Round - inside; Round - outside
Heights: 10" & larger
Widths: 10" & larger
Tongue & Groove Styles: Double/Triple Single
Corner intersection details for available wall log styles: Butt & pass (only one log extends past the intersection) Dovetail Saddle notch
Types of fastening devices: Lag screws
Types of sealing systems & materials available: Caulking; Foam gasket
Types of building code compliances available: Our plans are certified to meet state/local building codes by a licensed engineer or architect.
Other available services: Our logs are graded by an independent inspection agency prior to shipment. We offer a construction manual and/or videotape to aid customers with erection of their home. We offer a written warranty on all our logs. We offer custom design service.
Current Resources:
- Details Future Homeowners Should Know
- The Style of Home for You
- Log Home Basic Training
- Take It Up a Level
- Map Quest: Matching a Log Home to its Location