Photo: 3-in-1 ROOF
Sustainable energy can be a smart long-term investment, but it’s important to make sure you get the most efficiency for your buck. Panels aren’t the only option anymore. There are alternatives, like “3 IN 1 ROOF,” that not only provide higher yields, they offer more attractive curb appeal.
Traditional black or blue silicone solar cells have average efficiency ratings of around 22 percent. However, once solar cells are grouped, placed under glass, fitted with a polyurethane back sheet (a solar panel) and mounted over a traditional shingle, tile or aluminum roof, their efficiency rating can fall as low as 15 percent, particularly after
3 p.m., when roof surface temperatures are at their hottest and a solar panel’s efficiency is usually at its lowest.
The 3 IN 1 ROOF solar array is different, because it’s comprised of heat-resistant, closed-cell foam coated with a durable geopolymer designed to rise no more than 12 degrees above the ambient temperature, allowing them to generate 23 percent more energy during the critical late-afternoon period. As the ambient rises and falls, so does the roof’s surface temperature. According to the manufacturer, unless summer temperatures exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit, the 3 IN 1 ROOF system’s solar module will always yield maximum efficiency. In addition, its SPF-like foam blocks all solar gains from entering into the attic, virtually eliminating heat flowback, which occurs when attics get so hot they become structural incubators. This can cause all sorts of humidity issues including dry-rot, condensation or mold. Plus, 3 IN 1 ROOF tiles are certified to withstand 200 mph winds, critical in severe-weather-prone areas.
Technology aside, the thing that really sets these solar shingles apart is their ability to virtually vanish into your home’s roofing material. And since the aesthetics (or lack thereof) of traditional solar roof panels are a top barrier for home owners considering solar power as their primary energy source, the 3 IN 1 ROOF system is a breakthrough.
The 3 IN 1 ROOF solar panels are currently available in four styles: classic, modern, shake and slate. For product details and system specs, visit 3in1roof.com.
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