Pest Control
Carpenter bees, raccoons, bats, wasps, ants-- how do you combat nature's most pesky and destructive pests? Log Home Living takes a look at the number of ways to control pests in and around your log home or cabin.

Identifying the problem is the first step in finding a healthy way to reduce — or even eliminate — the damage caused by insects. Here are 6 common garden pests you may encounter.
They’re wonderful to watch, but if you’re not careful, they can be tough on your turf.
Having a problem with wasps buzzing around your yard or deck? With just a little know-how, wasps can be safely and easily elimina…
Don't let raccoons run amok on your property. Use these five tips to keep raccoons out of your garbage–and your home.
Try these non-toxic methods to stop nature’s critters from enjoying your garden before you can. From slugs to deer, here are some…
Pre-treating your log home's wood with a non-corrosive borate-based solution is an effective way to deter termites, beetles, carp…
Attract more feathered friends to your property, without putting your log home at risk.
To you, your log walls look like home. But to carpenter ants, termites and powder-post beetles, they resemble something more akin…
These pests can wreak havoc on a wood home, but you can prevent or get rid of carpenter bees once and for all if you take these s…
If you choose to build your log home in bear country, here are some simple precautions you can take to reduce the chances you’ll wake up one morning and find a bear on your deck—or in your kitchen.
How can you live in harmony with bears? Here are 4 easy tips for keeping your log home bear-proof.
From excessive sunshine to persistent carpenter bees, here's how to fight and beat log home natural enemies — the natural way.