Cozying up next to a crackling fire inside a log cabin, feeling safe and snug while the snow flies outside... this is the quintessential vision of a log home. Long before modern insulating materials were invented, people relied on log structures and chinking to keep them warm and protected.
Logs have naturally insulating properties that provide comfort and security. Chinking fills in the gaps. But today's specialized chinking and backing rods tighten a log home's thermal envelope even more, creating a home that often exceeds the energy efficiency of a conventional-framed home. And for log homeowners, that means comfortable living with ultra-low energy costs for the life of their home.
Log Homes and R-Values
Conventionally framed homes typically use fiberglass insulation, which has its efficiency measured in "R-value." An R-value is a measurement of how well a barrier prevents the flow of heat inside and outside a home. The higher the R-value, the better the energy efficiency. Windows and doors also have associated R-values.When it comes to measuring the efficiency of logs, it's tricky to pin down a specific R-value because they vary so much in diameter and density. Instead, they have what's known as a thermal mass. Think of them as organic, thermal batteries, absorbing and storing heat during the day and then slowly releasing that heat over time. It's an energy efficiency superpower. Thanks to it, studies by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Association of Home Builders have demonstrated that log homes can outpace conventional homes when it comes to energy efficiency.
Sealed Tight
Now, despite its thermal mass superpowers, log construction naturally comes with a few irregularities: Depending on a home's construction profile, there may be small air gaps between the logs. Many log homes have dovetail corners, which also leave an air gap. And don't forget: wood shrinks, expands and moves, and there may be slight twisting. This is where sealants like chinking enter the equation.

Photo: Courtesy Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.
Chinking is considered a type of sealant. Take for example Perma-Chink, which has superior adhesion, resists slumping and accommodates logs' movement so there is no cracking. As an aggregate blend, it looks just like cement mortar and comes in an array of colors for the perfect look. For areas that you don't want the sealant to be visible, such as around doors and windows, a product like Energy Seal makes a log home air-tight. Not only can you stain right over Energy Seal, but it's textured to blend in with a log's surface; no shiny, plastic seams of caulking around the windows or doors! Energy Seal also makes a good alternative for those who don't want chinking's striping effect.

Photo: Courtesy Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.
3 Tips to Ensure Precision
Successful chinking isn't complicated, but it does require some attention to key details. It also requires Backer Rod.
Clean the wood.
For good adhesion, the logs must be clean of any dust, pollen and debris. Use a cleaner like Log Wash for clean logs.Use proper backing material.
Chinking requires a two-point adhesion. Backer Rod, an extruded, closed-cell polyethylene rod, keeps the chinking adhesion to the top and bottom of the log and prevents the sealant from excessive stretching and flexing caused by a third touch point.Proper depth.
For the ultimate proper sealant fit, chinking should go to a 3/8-inch depth with no more than 1/4-inch variance. Thinner application (too shallow), increase the chance for the chinking to rip and tear. Thicker applications (too deep), increase the likelihood of slump. Depth is important! Fortunately, Backer Rod helps ensure the proper depth.
Photo: Courtesy Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.
Whole-House Performance
Superior energy efficiency comes from superior materials and products designed for elite performance. Nature provides the logs. Perma-Chink provides the chinking, sealants and backer rods for log home perfection — in looks and energy efficiency.
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