1. Do you have experience building log homes?
If the answer is yes, ask for specific examples and to see his work firsthand. If no, don’t write him off yet. Ask to see examples of other custom homes he’s built to determine if you think he’ll be qualified.
2. Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit with a client?
If yes, ask for details before laying judgment that the builder is somehow at fault or unscrupulous. There are two sides to every story.
See also: What Happens When You Hire a Bad Subcontractor
3. Can I see your company’s financials?
You are about to trust this person with hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s your right to know that his company is in good financial standing with his bank and his vendors. A good builder will be transparent with you.
4. Will you provide copies of your contractor’s license, proof of insurance or special credentials?
Don’t just view them – get physical copies to keep in your files. If a builder refuses, that’s a huge red flag.
See also: The 3 Most Common Home Improvement Scams—and How to Avoid Them