Be it on the shower wall, on the kitchen floor or possibly even as a countertop choice, chances are your home has tile somewhere, which also likely means you have grout holding it all together. And while tile, itself, is easy to keep clean (most tile is sealed), porous grout is prone to collecting dirt and mold and holding onto it like a dog with a bone.
Sure, you can buy potentially toxic and definitely expensive cleaning agents, but why would you when your pantry probably has two cheap, safe and effective ingredients that can knock even the toughest grout stains out: baking soda and vinegar.
The recipe is simple:
- Make a thick paste using two parts baking soda to one part water and with your finger, apply the mixture liberally to just the grout lines. Depending on the level of soiling/stains you have, you may want to let it set for five to 10 minutes.
- Then, using a spray bottle, spray undiluted, white vinegar onto the paste (you could add some lemon juice for extra acidity and enhanced fragrance, but it’s not necessary). The mixture will start to fizz.
- When the fizzing stops, you can wipe it away with a sponge, or scrub it with a stiff brush to lift stubborn dirt or older discoloration.
As a clean freak, trust me — I was skeptical. But this simple method cleaned my 10-year-old grout better than any commercial cleanser I’d tried. Yes, my kitchen smelled a little like a salad, but it’s better than smelling like 10th grade chem lab.
If you find you need a little additional whitening, turn from the pantry to the medicine closet and pull out your hydrogen peroxide. Just like it can brighten your teeth or bleach your hair, it will make your grout lines shine.