Photo: Drew Dau on Unsplash
The National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Log and Timber Homes Council — representing many of the top log and timber home manufacturers in North America — is excited to celebrate National Log Home Open House Month throughout the month of July. Introduced in 2012 by now retired Wisconsin Congressman Reid Ribble, the Congressional Record recognizes the log home industry and the men and women vital to this special sect of housing.
As a preeminent industry advocate, NAHB’s Log and Timber Homes Council works vigorously to ensure one of America’s most enduring building methods remains affordable. The council has been heavily involved with the International Code Council’s standard on the design and construction of log structures (the ICC-400, as it’s called) since the code was published a decade ago. Keeping consumer’s best interest at heart, the council ensures today’s log and timber homes are energy efficient and engineered to meet the demands of climates coast to coast.
“Members of the Log and Timber Homes Council share the same passion for living in log and timber homes as their customers do,” says chairman Jeff Clements of Honest Abe Log Homes in Moss, Tennessee. “Each company invests in the council to develop consumer resources and construction practices that will extend and protect the log home lifestyle well into the future.”